Sunday, August 30, 2009

E Rovers BBQ Night (30.8.2009)

" Start the Fire"

Start to cook (BBQ) the Chicken wings, Hotdog and Fish...

Almost done with the chicken wing

This is some material for our steambot (vegetable)

Prawn, cuttlefish and (tang hun)

Hotdog, fish ball, crab meat and (dou fu)

This is where we cook our steambot and we also have some fried bee hun and noodles...

This is our steambot look like...^^

Everyone has start to eat ~

Group photo when eating, our eating face! Some are extreamly good at eating, example Johnny (Guy in green)

Eating with the smile smile face~

Monday, June 15, 2009

On 2.6.2009, there are some Singaporean Scouts are visiting Kuching, arrived Kuching International Airport On 4.30pm. Then they are going straigth away to Camp Permai after they has arrive, some of the council members and Scouts Leaders has go to the Airport to welcome them, including our rovers. Then, on 4.6.2009m they have depart to Kubah National Park, where located in Matang, which is one of teh National Park in Sarawak. Then our Crew has being assigned the responsible to serve their dinner that night, we also have an BBQ that night. The hard oart is, we BBQ the Chicken Wings near their resthouse, but the dinner is being help on the top of the National PArk, where it is a mountain trails up to the location they eat.
Thats mean everytime we finsih BBq the Chicken Wings, we have ro send to the top of the mountain, where the location that they have the dinner. But it is really nice , cause we have run over the mountain trail more than 10 to 15 times that night. And we do alot of exercise that night. We arrive home about 12.30am, and get very tired actually...
In the next day, they have come down from Kubah National Park, and checking into their Hotel. Then about 3.30pm on 5.6.2009, we bring them from their hotel by walk to BP Center at Song Kheng Hai School field. There is where they buy their badges and also their scout souvenior. Then in the next day, thats mean the second last day, our Kuching Scout Council has hosted a dinner in HQ, and all the leaders and council members are there to show their welcome to the Singaporean Scout, and we also do some talks and photo taking with them.
On the last day, 7.6.2009(Sunday), they are going back to Singapore, so we went to the airport to send them, and take a group photo with them. I think they are having a wonderful time here, where they ca experiance the nature of the flora and fauna. But due to the H1N1 cases, there are some of them are not coming in the end, as their parents are worry about the disease. Actually there are 60 Singaporean Scout are coming, but 11 of them are withdraw from the trip. But I hope that they will come again, cause there is still many places in Kuching are even more interesting that they haven't visit.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We have celebrate Timothy's birthday at Tarot Cafe, but we celebrate for him more early as he will be having exam on 27 April 2009. So we went out on 19 April, look at the present that he hold, inside are a book about law and a bear doll. I hope he likes it, he said will read that book after his exam...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Having Laksa at Timothy's House( 3.1.2009)

This is the Laksa that we have at Timothy house on 3 January 2009. Laksa only can be found in Malaysia and Singapore, as it is a popular spicy noodle soup that combine the Chinese and Malay taste. The Laksa have different taste depends on the location that it is made. Different part in Malaysia made different taste of Laksa.
We will be going to each others house to have lunch once a while, and have different kinds of foods. This time, Timothy's mum is preparing all the material, we just bring some exstra material to add on, while Lee Ting bring all the drinks. We also consider the lunch as a gathering for all of us, as we usually are busy with our study and work, then we have no time for "Lim Teh".